Anna Bredeson

Experience letterpress printing with MCBA’s new collection of Arabic, Hebrew, Spanish, and Swedish wood type in this hands-on workshop taught by MCBA artists and staff. This in-person workshop is designed for those with curiosity about how to work with type in Arabic, Hebrew, Spanish, and Swedish, and a desire to build skills and community while making collaborative prints! Some text will be pre-designed with type locked up in presses in advance to maximize printing time and allow for the basic concepts of printing to be introduced. We will make 2-3 distinct prints (approximately 10 x 14 inches in size), each with a line of text. Participants will have some creative input with ink colors and may select and hand-set additional words in wood type to print. Participants can take home a selection of ten to fifteen prints at the end of the workshop.

Anna Bredeson

As Minnesota Center for Book Arts’ Director of Education, Bredeson directs MCBA’s youth and adult education programs, tours, and the coordination of MCBA’s faculty of teaching artists. A book artist and printer who exhibits and teaches regularly, Bredeson holds a BA in English from the College of St. Benedict and an MFA in Book Arts/Printmaking from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. Bredeson has been with the organization since 2014.